A sustainable strategy for generating highly stable human skin equivalents based on fish collagen
SH Tan, S Liu, SH Teoh, C Bonnard, D Leavesley, K Liang*
Biomaterials Advances, 2024
JM Loh, YJL Lim, JT Tay, HM Cheng, HL Tey, K Liang*
Bioactive Materials, 2023
A 3D-printed transepidermal microprojection array for human skin microbiome sampling
K Liang'*, C Leong', JM Loh, N Chan, LYJ Lim, YI Lam, T Dawson, HL Tey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2022
Design of Hydrogel-based Scaffolds for in vitro Three-dimensional Human Skin Model Reconstruction
SH Tan, DAC Chua, JRJ Tang, C Bonnard, D Leavesley, K Liang*
Acta Biomaterialia, 2022
Recent Advances in the Design of 3D- and Bio-printed Scaffold for Full-Thickness Wound Healing
SH Tan, ZH Ngo, D Leavesley, K Liang*
Tissue Engineering: Part B, 2022
Marine Collagen Scaffolds in Tissue Engineering
S Liu, C-S Lau, K Liang, F Wen, SH Teoh
Current Opinions in Biotechnology, 2022
Is 3D printing of pharmaceuticals a disruptor or enabler?
K Liang, D Bambilla, J -C Leroux
Advanced Materials, 2019
K Liang, KH Bae, A Nambu, B Dutta, JE Chung, M Osato, M Kurisawa
Biomaterial Science, 2019
Recent advances inthe design of injectable hydrogels for stem cell-based therapy
K Liang, KH Bae, M Kurisawa
Journal of Material Chemistry B, 2019
K Liang, JE Chung, SJ Gao, Nunnarpas Yongvongsoontorn, M Kurisawa
Advanced Materials, 2018
3D printing of a personalized oral drug delivery device: a first-in-human study
K Liang, S Carmone, D Brambilla, J -C Leroux
Science Advances, 2018
K Liang, KH Bae, F Lee, K Xu, JE Chung, SJ Gao, M Kurisawa
Journal of Controlled Release, 2016
Targeted intracellular protein delivery based on hyaluronic acid–green tea catechin nanogels
K Liang', S Ng', F Lee, J Lim, JE Chung, SS Lee, M Kurisawa
Acta Biomaterilia, 2016